Seated meals set for a comeback

Gina Yang ’24

After a three-year hiatus, seated meals are finally returning to St. Mark's as the pandemic recedes. Covid-19 restrictions were implemented to contain the transmission of the virus but also severely curtailed community activities over the last two years. So much so that a seated meal with others will now be a novel experience for the majority of students. Although the prospect of sitting down for dinner might not generate a wave of excitement, the reinstatement of this seemingly mundane activity represents reconnection and the return of cohesion after the darker days of Covid. 

Seated meals will officially return on Monday, October 3rd, starting with two sessions a week. One of the meals will be organized by the Advisory group; the other meal, by the House group. While the plan is to schedule the House meal on Mondays and the Advisory meal on Thursdays, the schedule will remain flexible. One major change from traditional seated meals at St. Mark’s will be the elimination of community meals where seating was randomly assigned. Even though community meals would provide students with the invaluable opportunity to make new connections outside their grade, gender, and interests (the typical daily academic schedule makes such connections difficult), Advisory and House seated meals will, nevertheless, allow students to build stronger ties within these respective groups.  

For most students who are used to having meals with close friends, the newly introduced dining experience may cause some apprehension about mingling with new people. However, this is a meaningful opportunity to branch out. Although the experience may not initially prove to be exciting, students will grow accustomed to having meals with different people and learn to love it. For seniors who already experienced seated meals during freshman year, this experience will give them a chance to reflect on their early days and add greater meaning to their final chapter at St. Mark’s. The reintroduction of seated meals revives a cherished St Marks tradition, allowing students to embrace this time-honored experience.