Juice or Jazz, Which One’s Sweeter?

Brianna kivugo ‘27

My mom, like any mom, always prioritizes my health, watering down my drinks for easier consumption and better gut health. So, as a kid, I always snuck into the fridge for one thing and one thing only: one hundred percent Hawaiian Punch. Its recognizable, pure, sugary taste always has me crawling back for more. 

However, what if the idea of watering down rich food and drink didn’t only exist in a parent’s culinary expertise? What if the impulse to dilute found its way into traditional aspects of music?

The sole purpose of the creation of Jazz during the 19th century was for African Americans to maintain their musical traditions. The majority once broke free from the chains of slavery in a liberating way, yet society has largely moved forward, leaving behind traditions deeply rooted in communities of color. In the 21st century, society has unknowingly diluted once-traditional aspects of musical genres like jazz, gradually watering down their original essence. Ultimately, "Jazz music… [has become] more of a commodity than an art and the highest achievers were white” (“The Social Effects of Jazz - Department of English - York College”). 

Jazz trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie performs at the Boston Globe Jazz and Blues Festival on Jan. 15, 1966.
Bob Daugherty/AP

Commercialization is at the heart of the dilution or simplification of contemporary jazz. Recently, artists have been pressured to craft music that appeals to the masses and doesn’t resonate with their ideas fully. They have been compelled to create a “TikTok-ified” version of their ideas, which allows “listeners [to] more easily accept new ideas presented to them when they are accompanied by elements that they are already used to and comfortable with.” Artists are obligated to prioritize financial success over boldness in music. 

Bebop Jazz and contemporary jazz, for example, display a highly contrasting sound within the instrumentals. Bebop used advanced harmonies, altered and extended chords, and intricate melodies that made Jazz recognizable within the music industry. In addition to this idea, bebop jazz also used a plethora of instruments to craft this genre, including saxophones and double bass.  However, in contemporary jazz, its instrumentals are dulled, often only using a combination of acoustic and electric instruments. Contrasting with Bebop’s tangy essence in its songs, contemporary jazz doesn’t explore the possibilities of  “sugaring” its drink but instead chooses to water it down.

Societal shifts in cultural priorities also lead to music’s simplification of traditional elements. “Too loud, too reckless — too ghetto” is a powerful and noteworthy phrase said by Samuel L. Jackson as Uncle Sam at Kendrick Lamar’s recent Superbowl performance. These words alone explain the loss of tradition within music. His words capture how the industry pressures artists to conform, discouraging the raw, authentic expression that once defined genres like jazz. With the music industry prioritizing what’s normal and calm for mass appeal, jazz artists often fear being perceived as unappealing to the public, ultimately constraining creativity to fit commercial expectations.

But what if society ultimately wants watered-down Hawaiian Punch? Or better yet, what if we’ve grown to prefer water straight from the tap? As listeners can enjoy the more digestible alternative of jazz music, this causes an audience to miss out on jazz’s complexity. We end up losing the spirit of jazz's defiance, depth, and voice in trade for what is “acceptable” for society to listen to. It’s time to reconsider what we crave—not just what’s easy to consume, but what’s worth savoring.

Black History Month and Reflection Behind It

Catherine Zhang ‘26

February is the National Black History Month. Black History Month was first initiated by historian Carter Woodson, who established a one-week-long celebration to acknowledge the achievements and contributions of Black Americans. This week-long celebration eventually evolved into the full-month celebration designated by President Gerald Ford in 1976. Coincidentally, February is also Abraham Lincoln's and Frederick Douglass’s birthdays. Both figures are significant in to fight against slavery. 

On a national level, the institution of Black History Month shows the commitment to acknowledge the often-overlooked accomplishments that African Americans have achieved. It is also essential to acknowledge past wrongdoings and keep the public informed about the struggles and resilience of the Black community. Black History is indispensable to the History of the United States. They are also crucial to American identity. Incumbent President Donald Trump addressed on January 31 that “This National Black History Month, as America prepares to enter a historic Golden Age, [he] wants to extend [his] tremendous gratitude to black Americans for all they have done to bring us to this moment, and for the many future contributions they will make…” 

In our St. Mark’s community, where we value diversity and inclusion as well as the identity of every individual, Black History Month has frankly not been gaining the recognition it deserves. Last year, we had pictures of prominent artists, celebrities, and faculty members with African heritage exhibiting in the dining hall as a way of commending their efforts and contributions. However, this was apparently not a “fan’s favorite.” Therefore, there has not been any conspicuous celebration until a mixer on February 21. The mixer was held by the St. Mark’s School, inviting other ISL schools to join and providing time and space for affinity groups, like BLU and Los Leones, to bond and celebrate their month. Yet, there haven’t been any community-wise celebration events. 

This year, a lot of the community and equity work at St. Mark’s relies on students moving things forward with initiatives. Hence, they are often unseen on the surface. However, reflecting on how we can celebrate Black History in a more interactive and meaningful way, we should put more consistent effort into acknowledging the history and educating beyond just Black History Month. 

Moving forward, we as a school, can better celebrate Black History through integration into humanities courses. The efforts should not be only restrained in February, but rather all-year-round recognition to make the community stay informed. As we put our initiatives into tangible action, each of us has the obligation to find our place in the community, relative to others. In other words, we have to figure out why celebrating differences is intrinsic to this unique community. That process takes a lot of participation, guidance, and endeavor. Nevertheless, the process is the key to making everyone thrive, and eventually knitting a stronger community. 

Addie Zhang: Reflection on SYA

Addie Zhang ‘26

If I were to describe SYA in one word, it would be: transformative. Unlike many changes that would usually go unnoticed, I witnessed the small steps that changed me. 

When I first arrived in Italy, I was confused. I knew none of the language except phrases like “Ciao” or “Bella” thanks to my sophomore year roommate who kept singing “Bella Ciao” to me when I told her I would go to Italy. Multiply that by 48, and when the whole chaperoned flight arrived at the Rome Airport, we spoke nonstop chatter in English with a few Ciao’s tossed in there. Collectively, as SYA, we deemed this to be broken Italian: choppy.

We started our Italian language learning journey with the teachers explaining that learning a language is like becoming a sponge: the more time and effort we put into refining the concepts we learn in class, the quicker we’d master them, which would fuel our motivation to learn more. 

Day by day, Italian class after Italian class, we learned the basics: how to ask to go to the bathroom, order something at a bar (bar is caffe in Italian), or get somewhere via public transportation. Slowly, our “broken” Italian became more fluid, and words started to glide off our tongues. In eight months, we mastered basic grammar concepts like the definite article and verb conjugations. With basic sentence structure and vocabulary, we strung together sentences, and then slowly formed paragraphs. These paragraphs turned into a critical analysis we wrote about an Italian book we read. These stepping stones paved the way for our final destination the capstone. 

We were all required to present a 10-minute presentation in Italian for the Capstone project. This was such a magical moment because, after not knowing a single word in Italian, we could now listen to and understand what our classmates were talking about in “la bella lingua.”

Trump: The Big Bad Wolf of Democracy

Sushila Narne ‘28

Trump’s policies during the first month of his office have created worrisome speculation about the future of America. From censoring information to scrutinizing well-established public health issues, his gross misuse of power is threatening the very pillars that support our country. 

Let’s start with Trump’s supporting powers. The first on the list is Elon Musk, a symbol of the diminishing line between government and business. Elon Musk is part of Trump’s Cabinet of 14 other yes men. Next is the Supreme Court, to which Trump has appointed three other sycophants to create a team of loyalists: “Justices” Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barret.   

Trump’s staunch supporting party has faced scrutiny from many, including Republicans such as Former Vice President Mike Pence, Former House Representatives Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, Former Governors John Kasich and Chris Christie, and many more. For individuals in power to dissociate themselves from a president of the same party is uncommon. It raises red flags because many politicians don’t make such concessions unless something major occurs. Something like, say, the fast and steady breakdown of a principle so powerful it would shake the framework that was carefully built and preserved by the governing powers of our nation… democracy. 

So, how does Trump plan to take down an elective governing system that has run for upward of 247 years? The recent posts by the White House, such as the ASMR video about deportation or a poster with Trump in a crown with the slogan “Long Live the King!” have shaken citizens and leaders alike. A thoroughly unprofessional video posted by the White House has revealed the process by which immigrants are deported: through a series of ASMR directed by ICE officers, deportees are shown lined up, awaiting their sendback. It seems that Trump intends to desensitize individuals as an enabler to do far worse things in the future. 

For instance, Trump's action of referring to himself as a “King” violates Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 of the Constitution, which states the following: “...No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States” His breach of constitutional practice suggests that he is testing the limits of his power: in the event of Trump’s acquittal of violating the Constitution, he will gain more power than any former president because he will have gained the ability to bypass the Constitution. Though the reference to monarchy appears harmless, the notion that Trump is engaging in unconstitutional behavior, however trivial it may seem, could result in far worse future consequences. 

Many have challenged Trump’s proposition of ruling the country like a king. The most prominent instance where his order is challenged is when the Governor of Maine, Janet Mills, states, “We’ll see you in court” as a clash between taking action with trans athletes results in Trump’s threat of shutting down federal funding for Maine. As more people turn a blind eye to our president’s actions in fear of losing power, the bridge between what is defined as a constitutional government and the just division of power starts to crumble. 

To save our country from modern dystopia, action must be taken. The chance to fight is now, and it is ever so vital to educate oneself on one's rights and liberties, as the threat to our Constitution increases with every action Trump takes. 

A chilling quote from Trump: "I love the poorly educated."

The Uncertain Future of the Medical Research Community under the Trump Administration

Samantha Mundel ’25

In 2016, in a very rich Newton Public elementary school, I knew small tidbits about politics in the form of small jokes, impersonations, or just words that floated around. I had a faint knowledge of what ISIS was, and many of us would repeat the phrase “We’re gonna build a wall!” alongside repetitions of “What are those?!” and “What’s 9 +10? 21!”. I’ll never forget going down the stairs on an early November morning and seeing my mom crying because of the election results. Still, I fortunately didn’t really see any impact from the first Trump administration on my livelihood. 

This recent election cycle was different. I am now much more interested in politics, with a range of political opinions in my family that I am constantly exposed to. I also turned 18 in time to vote, so I was able to participate in the government rather than just see things work out. 

Recently, though, DOGE proposed and executed many budget cuts and evaluations of government programs and funding. One of the targets of these evaluations is the National Institute of Health (NIH), specifically decreasing the percentage of indirect costs paid for by the federal government. The Trump Administration’s policy changes to the NIH do not take into account the incredible importance of indirect costs or the huge losses that will be felt through the shrinking of the medical research community.

Indirect costs are anything that does not directly pertain to a specific research project and can include supplying buildings with heat and electricity, the cost of getting to a conference, and handling reimbursements, for example. In the past, this rate varied significantly between institutions, with an average indirect cost rate of 27% to 28%. Some organizations have a much higher indirect cost rate, occasionally over 50% or even 60%, according to a statement released by the NIH. The Trump Administration wants to cut this indirect cost rate to a strict 15% across all institutions. This is not only a severe cut to the average amount of money each institution receives, but it also does not take into account the various differences in each institution’s needs. Biomedical vs. engineering research, urban vs. rural areas, and more, can make a large difference in the amount of funding needed to cover indirect costs.

Unlike the last time Trump was in office, I am seeing real impacts of Trump’s policies in my personal life. My mom is particularly impacted by this new NIH policy. She works as a program coordinator at Boston Children’s Research, helping plan the schedules and allocate indirect cost money for some of their top researchers. Her job is nearly completely paid for through indirect costs. With this NIH policy in place, her job as an administrator at Boston Children’s Research was going to be evaluated until an MA federal judge blocked the order. Through an interview, I was able to learn more about my mom’s role in research and how this policy and the Trump administration in general are affecting her and her colleagues’ jobs. 

My mom’s work almost entirely depends on indirect costs, as does the work of those she supports when they apply for grants. Indirect costs play a fundamental role in the management of research grants and help with the behind-the-scenes work that may seem less helpful but is just as important. Research grants that were recently approved, such as one on helping deter cancer at a genetic level, were under threat of getting some of their money to indirect costs taken away. However, the Consolidated Appropriations Act (2018) prohibits “deviations from negotiated rates” by the NIH, meaning that indirect cost rates already decided upon in the most recent negotiation for funding cannot be backtracked on. 

Instead, the future of the medical research community worries my mom. “[This is] a huge blow to the medical research community… huge blow to humanity, because these people are curing cancers and childhood diseases…[some of these diseases] affect a very small percentage of people, but if your child had that thing you’d want them in this trial”. Although some of what they research may only affect a small portion of the population, is that reason enough that this work does not need to be done? Furthermore, Massachusetts, as a leader in scientific research and public health, relies heavily on its scientific innovation to support its economy. People come to Massachusetts just to study and research in these fields, and many companies have spawned out of our universities, such as the many biotech companies in Cambridge that came out of MIT. If funding to a fundamental part of research is cut, Massachusetts research and scientific innovation will be dwarfed, as will that of any state that relies on their research. This created another worry for my mom of the future of the community, that more people in STEM will decide not to go into research. Paraphrasing a colleague, she stated, “You can bet the people that are going to go and get their PhDs are gonna go… to private practice and not go into research because it’s too scary. You know, people don’t know if they’re going to have funding from one minute to the next, so for four years, we could lose people wanting to get into research… now you’ve lost four years of mentors… scientists… research.” Although any of Trump’s executive orders can be taken out after he leaves office in four years, he can certainly do lasting damage to this industry within that time. Furthermore, many people from foreign countries come to the U.S. on special visas to do research. These people are some of the best in the world when it comes to research and come to top universities like Harvard and MIT to do the research. Roughly half of one of the labs my mom works with is made up of these researchers. They are now unsure if they will be able to finish their research due to Trump’s vetting and review of all Visa programs.

In the last month that Trump has been in office, many of his executive orders have been blocked by a Massachusetts judge, including this one. My mom thinks this NIH case will likely be fought over for the next four years. All of these executive order blocks will likely be contested in court, echoing a larger question that Trump is posing: how much governmental power can he have? 

What will affect us in Massachusetts, living in one of the bluest states in the U.S., whose policies and judicial system are currently at odds with the wants of the executive branch? What will get through, and what won’t? In only a month, Trump has tried and mostly been deterred on his way to figuring out what he can and can’t get away with. Only time will tell what the effects of these proposed sweeping changes will be.

Mirror, Mirror: Are We Victims or Perpetrators of Beauty Ideals?

Lily Oh ’27

What is ingrained in society’s heads is the idea that ‘Social media is fake’. But is it really just that, fake, in our minds? It actually lingers in our minds. It grows as it eats away at bits and bits of our confidence. In front of the mirror, the small bits eaten from us become apparent. Sometimes, we try to smile to convince ourselves we are happy with our looks. Other times, we genuinely feel happy with our looks. But on certain days, we can’t help but feel smaller, less than the ‘perfect’ images we dream of. 

In the body horror movie The Substance, Elisabeth Sparkle, a once-famous actress, desires to gain her younger beauty and glory again in Hollywood. She discovers “the substance”, an injectable drug that allows her to create a younger, more beautiful version of herself named Sue. However, as she continues to use the substance, Elisabeth feels more embarrassed about her old self. She eventually reaches out to the one person who still sees beauty in her old self for reassurance about her beauty. Yet, she continuously returns to the mirror to adjust her makeup, only to feel smaller and smaller, eventually failing to leave her house with her looks. 

As a woman, I, too, have found myself sometimes fixing my makeup again and again, unsatisfied, before stepping outside. Any woman may have experienced this, surrendering to the beauty standards not only reinforced by social media but by society. 

Amber Tamblyn’s review of The Substance suggests that women should be careful in their commitments to societal beauty standards. Initially, I could not agree with this review. Why should the victims of these standards bear the responsibility of being cautious? We cannot help but surrender to the ideals that oppress us, that we should not take responsibility for the beauty standards. However, a contrasting scene in the film complicated me: Elisabeth transforms into a horrible monster by using the substance activator again on Sue to remain beautiful to take the stage on a New Year’s Eve show. When Elisabeth eventually stands on the stage in her grotesque form, her body triggers the audience's horror. As people start panicking, her body explodes, spraying and bathing everyone with gallons of blood. 

This moment for me came to be a representation of a shared responsibility among all women and men. Everyone in the audience, just like in our society, had blood on their hands but also shared suffering under the unattainable beauty standards. Our bloods on our hands and our shared suffering have led to creating more and more Elisabeths in our society, including ourselves, to become somewhat Elisabeths too. Before, I resisted the idea that women should be responsible for recognizing the harms of conforming to society’s beauty standards. But this scene forced me to think, what if we, not only women but also men, are all victims? What if, without realizing it, we are not just victims but also contributors to the beauty standards as we allow them to eat our confidence and grow? 

Every time we feel smaller than ourselves in the mirror, every time we compare ourselves in the mirror to unrealistic ideals, we unknowingly feed the very standards that prevent us from growing. I now feel there may not be clear antagonists in this struggle but only victims who contributed to these ideals through their insecurities, including myself. 

While it initially felt unjust to accuse us, victims, of being responsible for surrendering to the beauty standards, I now understand that we, including all women and men, play a role in this struggle. The challenge, then, is not to deny our responsibilities but to recognize them. In front of the mirror, we should not feel sole guilt but acknowledgement because only by acknowledging this, I believe, can we begin to start a change. 

Anxiety and Depression: Why these mental health disorders cannot be ignored

Katie Barrett ‘27

You open your eyes, and you're in an extremely small and dark box. You hear the subtle sounds of people's voices from outside the box, but you can’t interpret what they are saying. You see a dim light just on the other side, but you can’t quite reach it because no one on the other side is helping you step out of the confined space. This is how many people with anxiety and depression feel every day. Anxiety and depression can feel like carrying an invisible weight on your shoulders. Simple tasks, such as making your bed, eating breakfast, and greeting people you know at school or your job, feel like an exhausting force. About one in five teens today suffer from anxiety and/or depression and are unsure of how to seek help (National Institute of Health). Left untreated, these disorders can affect long-term physical and mental health, which can ultimately result in death. Therefore, it is essential that we take notice of any signs or symptoms of anxiety or depression in our peers, even when their sign(s) may seem small or insignificant.

All aspects of health, whether it be physical, mental, emotional, or social, have an effect on each other. For example, depression can take a huge toll on your physical health. In Jonathan Rottenburg’s Depression: What Everyone Needs to Know, he delves into the connection between mind and body in his section, “The Consequences of Depression.” He writes, “In epidemiological studies, depression is consistently associated with cardiac problems, arthritis, asthma, cancer, diabetes, and chronic pain. Depression is associated not only with insomnia but also with other sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea” (Rottenburg 36). The physical health disadvantages that result from poor mental health may start off small, such as slight fatigue, loss of appetite, and body aches; however, these problems can grow rapidly. Even when treated, most symptoms don’t just “go away” because depression can not just “go away”. It is an ongoing, day-to-day struggle that must be taken care of quickly and addressed by healthcare professionals.

Similarly, anxiety and low self-esteem are closely related. Self-esteem influences who we think we are and who we think we should be. In Bronwyn Fox’s 2nd Edition: Power Over Panic, she explores the many smaller aspects that are related to anxiety disorders. In her section, “Self-esteem,” she writes, “Many of us have low self-esteem, and it is this low self-esteem and lack of a sense of self that ultimately underpin our panic attacks and anxiety. Healthy self-esteem and an anxiety disorder are mutually exclusive” (Bronwyn 9). A common stress that many teens share is the constant feeling that they aren’t enough. When you constantly tell yourself negative things, you will always feel negative about yourself, resulting in poor self-esteem. The easiest way to overcome poor self-esteem as a teenager is to simply talk about it with people you trust, especially other people your age. When teens talk about mental health and self-esteem with each other, it allows us to remember that we are not alone. Everyone has dealt with poor self-esteem, so talking about it with someone you trust and can relate to is extraordinarily important. If someone opens up to you about how they feel about themselves, be a good listener. Take in everything they say, and if something seems like a concern, then tell a trusted adult immediately. Symptoms can and do grow rapidly, which is why it is important not to ignore any small signs that you hear or see. It does not matter what aspect of health you see these signs in. People may make it clear in social settings that they have poor self-image and esteem, are sick or tired, or have many mood swings. The symptoms vary and change, so do not wait. Check in on your friends, your family, and anyone else in your life who you are close with before it is too late.

What Does The Ukraine Peace Talk Mean for Global Transportation?

Andrea Xu ’25

International students, remember the last time you flew home over break: How many layovers did you endure? How long was your total travel time?

Russian airspace is currently off-limits due to the sanctions from Western countries. Yet, the U.S.-Russia peace talks on February 18 in Saudi Arabia, the first since the Ukraine War began, aimed to restore relations and lay the groundwork for ending the conflict. Reuters reports that Putin was open to negotiating and restoring bilateral ties, including “joint investments in ‘various companies,’ creating ‘joint companies with American partners,’ and investing in the Arctic.” The reopening of Russian airspace can bring hopes of reducing flight times and lowering fuel prices in the routes between Europe, Asia, and even Latin America. 

Russia has been a catalyst for the global airline industry. Since the onset of the Ukraine War, leasing companies have been unable to access the Russian market due to geopolitical tensions

Air Lease Corporation, for example, claims losing over $18mn per quarter in aircraft lease costs. The sanctions also closed off international routes to Moscow and Kiev, banning foreign airlines from using Russian airspace and airports. AirBaltic has lost over 10% of its destinations, and Lufthansa has lost around 5%. Avoiding Russian and Ukrainian airspace has extended flight times for foreign airlines by 1.5 to 2 hours. The impacts are especially clear on European flights to Asia, which, for me, as someone who primarily lives in Beijing, is encouraging news as it means more traveling options. 

Russia is also a big source of revenue for Western aerospace firms. A recent report from Investigate Europe states that between January 2023 and September 2024, Boeing (32% of Russia’s domestic airline market), Airbus (15%), and hundreds of Western suppliers sold aircraft parts to Russian buyers via Indian intermediaries. The desperation to bypass sanctions highlights the challenge of isolating Russia from the global airline supply chain. I have felt the inconvenience of Russian isolation firsthand. For example, many of my flights over the past three years were longer due to detours around Russian airspace over the Arctic Sea to mitigate geopolitical risks.

The peace talks also concluded with Russia proposing a deal to the Trump administration on natural resources and Arctic access. The previous loss of revenues in Russia proves that the U.S. “had a very successful business” there before many American companies cleared out of the country. In the case of airlines, fuel costs generally make up 20% to 40% of the operating expenses, so any change to the cost of fuel will be significant. As Russia resumes oil exports to the U.S. and other Western countries, global fuel prices will decline, indirectly benefiting downstream consumers with lower travel fares.

Furthermore, during the U.S.-Russia bilateral meeting in Istanbul on February 27th, the Russian foreign ministry explicitly expressed its interest in restoring direct flights between the two countries. This surprised me, as I had assumed Russia held more leverage in this economic standoff. However, this concession signals a potential shift, increasing optimism about the prospect of reopening.

The reopening of Russian airspace offers more than just increased flight availability and lower travel costs—it signals broader economic shifts with far-reaching impacts. As efforts to restore the pre-pandemic and prewar economy continue, these changes will directly affect the lives of everyone at St. Mark’s.

The 2024 Election: Student Opinions at St. Mark’s School

Dwight Lin ‘28

The 2024 presidential election already feels like it was ages ago, but it was held just earlier this month. The election featured Kamala Harris representing the Democratic Party and Donald Trump representing the GOP. Both candidates had previously held executive office, with Harris being the vice president from 2021-2024 and with Trump being president from 2017-2021. Trump was voted in as a huge upset in 2016, cracking the Democratic “blue wall” by winning the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, as well as losing the overall popular vote by around 3 million votes.

In 2020, the Democratic party retook the White House, as their candidate Joe Biden regained Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, as well as the states of Arizona and Georgia. Joe Biden initially ran for reelection against Donald Trump but was forced to drop out of the race due to concerns about his age after the first presidential debate, with Vice President Harris taking over the campaign. The two were neck and neck in the polls until Election Day when Trump swept all seven swing states, won the popular vote for the first time, and took back the White House. He became the first president since Grover Cleveland to win two non-consecutive presidential terms.

St. Mark’s in particular had several strong opinions about the presidential election, as a student poll found that around 2/3 of the student body preferred Harris to Trump, with just over a quarter of the students preferring Trump. The most important issue for around 64.4% of students was abortion, a topic on which Democrats were highly rated compared to Republicans, particularly following the controversial repeal of Roe v. Wade in 2022. The second highest issue was the economy, with 56.4% of the student body considering it an important issue. In regards to the economy, Republicans polled significantly higher than Democrats nationally due to high levels of inflation under Joe Biden. Foreign policy, immigration, and gun rights all polled right around 44% each. Notably, 56.4% of respondents were women, who voted for Harris with a margin of around 8 points. Finally, around 63.4% of respondents identified as White. Trump won that vote by around 17 points, in stark contrast to the opinions of the school.

In conclusion, the school body favored Harris over Trump, which was supported by gender and their value on the importance of issues, while going against the general trend of white people favoring Trump over Harris.