By Jack Cai ‘21
I have always been interested in written and photographic forms of journalism. For the past few years, I have dabbled in various types of journalism, combining words with images. Outside of school, I attended programs such as The School of New York Times to focus on my journalism interests. At St. Mark’s, however, there was no specific course that focused on journalism, except the occasional Saturday classes. As a result, I proposed working with Dr. Harwood for an Independent Studies Project on Journalism and Media. Having created and designed my own learning process in the ISP in my junior year, I thought I had the course planned out perfectly. It was only after I started my ISP in the second semester this year that I realized I only knew a small fraction of what journalism truly holds. I was introduced to personal narratives and music reviews, which challenged my writing abilities on a different level. After the four years at St. Mark’s, I can safely say that this is one of my proudest and fulfilling classes I’ve taken. From our first article on photojournalism documenting the lonely workers during Chinese New Year to our last on the music and impact of Joji, I have slowly found my voice and a effective medium to share my voice. Through this process I am incredibly thankful to have faculty members such as Dr. Harwood to guide me.
Attached below are the links to all the articles I have written in this course with Dr. Harwood on my personal website