Evening Chapel!

Jasmine Liu ‘25

Photo taken by St. Mark’s of the evening chapel service on Tuesday, November 14th, 2023.

Since its founding in 1865 as an Episcopal school, St. Mark’s has maintained its community’s spiritual life and diverse traditions through its weekly chapel services. Chapel is a required twice-weekly service designed to address the varying spiritual needs of our close-knit community. This service takes place every Tuesday and Friday morning from 8:00 to 8:30 where the typical ritual commences: students get settled, the community sings a hymn or two, some prayers are read, a student gives a chapel talk, three minutes of silence, birthdays are announced, and finally, the school prayer. 

Yet, once a month on Tuesday, the service is moved to the evening time following an evening seated meal. Thus, students would get the opportunity to sleep in until 8:30 am, or the time their first class starts. However, at 6:00 pm, students would be expected to show up to the dining hall in chapel dress (typically suit for men and dress for women) and sit with their designated advisory group. Following the seated meal, students are prompted into the Belmont Chapel to begin the evening chapel service.

Generally, evening chapel services are formatted slightly differently from the typical chapel services. The event starts when the choir, dressed in white and blue robes, enters the chapel while singing the school’s signature hymn, “Age Quod Agis.” Once the choir settles at the front of the shrine, the service commences and follows a more traditional ceremony, including a special speaker (typically a faculty member) giving a chapel talk. More prayers are read, led by one of the chaplains or acolytes. Somewhere near the middle of the service, the choir sings a hymn they have prepared. However, with respect to traditional chapel norms, students are expected to withhold applause after the performance. At the end of the service, the organ music emanates through the chapel; the choir, with candles in hand, files out of the room with faculty and 6th Form students following suit.

However, there have been many occasions when these evening chapels have veered from their standard format. For instance, last year, during the winter, St. Mark’s held a music chapel where selected students performed music of different genres during the service. Additionally, the community held a poetry chapel in contingency with the school’s poetry week during the spring; acolytes and chosen students read poetry from well-known poets or students at St. Mark’s! More recently, the evening chapel this past Tuesday, November 14th “focused on balance and beauty, loss and gratitude.” After hearing an organ meditation, students created luminaries with one side for reflections on loss and one side with reflections on gratitude, then set all of the luminaries outside on the VI Form Quad.

All in all, whether in the morning or evening, chapel is a service that is meant to celebrate many aspects of the St. Mark’s community that people may overlook in their everyday lives. Thus, this tradition is, no doubt, an integral part of the St. Mark’s experience.

Family Weekend

Jackie Huang ‘24

On the second Friday and Saturday of October, which were October 12th to October 13th, St. Mark's annual Family Weekend occurred. Family weekend is a chance not only for families from out of state or afar to visit, but also for them to better understand St. Marks’ academic curriculum and community life by attending classes, meeting teachers, and participating in many activities. 

Families began arriving on Friday morning, October 13. An official welcome in PFAC kicked off another year, followed by numerous presentations hosted by the Library, The Burgess Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, and College Counseling.

At night, families had the opportunity to see the fruits of many student artists. The opening Reception of the Family Weekend art show featured student work from Studio I, Ceramics I, Sculpture I, Studio II, Ceramics II, Advanced Art, and Advanced Ceramics. The night closed with lovely music at the annual Family Weekend concert performed by the Choir, Jazz Band and Orchestra. Refreshments were also provided in Taft Hall during the showcases.

On Saturday, which many deem the best part of family weekend, parents (and siblings!) followed their children’s academic schedule. They were able to sit in the same classrooms, listen to the content students were learning in the class, and ask questions to the teacher. It was truly fun to see families in students’ seats. The family weekend then closed with athletic home games happening in the same afternoon.

The Family Weekend gave many students an opportunity to enjoy quality time with their families off-campus. Especially for boarding students and international students, many were overjoyed to see their families for the first time since beginning school two months ago. It was truly heartwarming to see the campus filled with laughter, reunions, children, pets and students proudly showcasing their learning, especially for new students this year. Even for the student without visiting family, the Family Long Weekend that followed provided a much-needed break for them.

A Start to the 2023-2024 Gray Colloquium Series: Dino Ambrosi

Vanessa Leung ‘25

On October 19, St. Mark’s welcomed Dino Ambrosi, the first Gray Colloquium speaker of the 2023-2024 school year. Dino Ambrosi is a digital wellness speaker and the founder of Project Reboot. He aims to help his peers and teenagers reduce their screen time and develop healthier relationships with technology. 

Dino Ambrosi presented a well-structured presentation. He first integrated his speech with this year’s Gray Colloquium theme, AI and Citizenship, where he briefly mentioned the evolution of social media: from a wholesome platform that connects family and friends far away from each other, to a complex, market-driven digital landscape that shapes discourse and influences. 

Mr. Ambrosi explains that because of this shift, the main goal of social media is to maximize profit through targeted advertising, an area that artificial intelligence monitors and becomes advanced at, which also causes the side effect of echo chambers or filtered bubbles that reinforce existing user beliefs by limiting exposure to diverse perspectives. 

With this in mind, he connects this to the main topic of his talk: technology addiction. With AI’s algorithm that generates content-based filtering, this draws users into the vortex of social media. Another reason for the addiction to social media is because it produces instant gratification: “Like cigarettes, for instance. You can light up and get a nicotine hit. It's a coping mechanism that people have,” Mr. Ambrosi said earlier in his interview. “But you can't light up a cigarette in the library. You'll get kicked out. [But] nobody's going to bat an eye if you scroll through TikTok or Instagram. It's something that unless you're highly intentional about it and you take some steps to ensure that it's easy to remain intentional in how you use your phone, you're almost guaranteed to have it become your coping mechanism for discomfort.”

Mr. Ambrosi leaves the audience with a caveat about social media: “There is no such thing as free content.” Mr. Ambrosi elaborates more in his interview: “Social media is free in the sense that it doesn't charge you money but you're paying a price always. Nothing is free online. You need to think critically as a consumer on the internet about whether or not you're comfortable allowing an algorithm to drive your attention. Deeply recognize that you pay for social media with your time and strive to get a good deal out of it.”

Before Dino Ambrosi’s Gray Colloquium speech, I had the privilege of interviewing him in-person, where I was allowed to ask more questions about Mr. Ambrosi’s past and experience with technology. 

Tell me about your experience, what inspired you to do what you do today?

“It all started with me becoming addicted to my phone in college. Which at the time, I didn't even know that was a thing that could happen…it wasn't something that was talked about very much…I was a freshman at Berkeley in 2017. And there had been… some warnings and some concern from adults in my life about screen time and social media back when I was in high school. But I really thought that was overblown because it wasn't a problem for me. In high school, I was a pretty overachieving student. I had a lot of extracurriculars. You know, I was a go-getter. And I just didn't have the time in my schedule to…waste a bunch of time on screens. So I really thought like, these are tools that enhance my life. The concern about them is overblown. 

But then I went to college. And it was just so much more difficult than the schools that I went to in high school. And you lose all that structure in your schedule. So nobody is holding your hand. Especially at a school like Berkeley. Like you've got all these blocks of free time that you need to figure out how to fill up. And if you don't have time management skills, that's really difficult to do. 

So long story short, I fell behind in school. And it was just the first time in my life that I was really stressed out and anxious and overwhelmed and feeling imposter syndrome for sure. And that was a really good opportunity for me to grow a lot. But I didn't face those challenges head on. Because I honestly and consciously just developed the habit of running away from that discomfort by turning to my phone. And that habit really derailed my college experience. And I just didn't get nearly as much out of my time at Berkeley as I could have. Because I was glued to my phone. And I wasted so much time. It definitely impacted my academic performance. And I look back on those first few years of college with a lot of regret. And it wasn't until I was given the chance to take a break from school and go do an internship. That I really hit the reset button and got off social media for a while. And paid a lot of attention to how I use technology. And I just saw so many benefits in my own life from changing the way I use my phone and my computer. Both in terms of eliminating unintentional abuse. But then also learning how to leverage it to manage my time more effectively. And learn things on the internet. There are all sorts of positive aspects of technology and social media. And improving my relationship with it just changed my life. So that kind of put me on this path of trying to figure out what is the ideal relationship with technology.”

I myself have a phone addiction and am fully aware of it, but sometimes temptation overcomes me. How did you deal with your addiction?

I mean, here's what's ironic about it. When I realized that this was a problem, it made the problem worse… because becoming aware of the fact that you're addicted to something and that it's impacting your mental health, your attention span, your performance in school, and how you're spending your free time, that's a profoundly uncomfortable realization to have. And once you have that realization, the reason you become addicted is because it's your coping mechanism for discomfort. 

And so I remember pretty distinctly a couple of points where I really sat with myself and was like, wow, this is a problem. One was towards the tail end of my freshman year of college, and then the other one was my spring break, my sophomore year. And one thing I think it's interesting to note is the reason that those two aha moments were so far apart from each other is because as a result of my addiction to my phone and just being so overstimulated, I was spending no time alone with my thoughts. I didn't have the time to reflect on the fact that this was a problem, because I'd wake up in the morning and I'd go straight to Instagram. And then on the way to campus, I'd be listening to a podcast or listening to music. While I'm at school, I'm in class, I'm in the library, I'm scrolling through Instagram, YouTube, talking to people. I'm not thinking, right? I literally was going through life more or less with a blindfold on, because I was constantly, my attention was always on something else. So when that's the case, it is really hard to have this moment of like, whoa, what have I been doing?

Like, where has my time been going? This is a problem that I need to fix. And when you do have that realization, often you're already so deep into this very ingrained habit that it can actually make it initially worse. So yeah, it was really challenging. There were multiple times where I tried to cut back in college, and I just kept lapsing back into high screen time. And that really made me feel for a while hopeless about it. I felt very trapped and stuck in this cycle. And again, it wasn't until I left school and really hit the reset button that I was able to change that. 

How were you able to hit the reset button? Did you just put your phone physically away? 

Well, it really helps to have a big environment change. So much of your habits are anchored to your physical environment and your daily routine. So that's why it was so hard for me to make that change while I was at Berkeley, because I was just already very ingrained in what I was doing on a daily basis there. And the reason that I took this internship is because I thankfully was able to recognize that if I had any hope of breaking this bad habit, it would be by completely changing my environment and placing myself in a situation where I'm being held accountable to other people. Because at the end of the day, when you're not studying for a test, the only person that's being impacted is yourself. If you're in a group project, maybe you're impacting the other people in the group. But for the most part, if you're not giving school the time and attention it deserves, you're only harming yourself. When you're working an internship at a company, you are part of a larger collective. And the livelihood of the people around you is contingent on your work.

  So having that external pressure along with the new environment was really what aided me in breaking these bad habits. And that's why I think it's so important, especially when you leave St. Mark's and you go into college for the first time, to be really, really cognizant of the fact that if you previously had an unhealthy relationship with your phone, it's a great opportunity to change that because you're in this new environment. But it can also work the other way. And that new environment can quickly become what triggers the addiction to your phone, like it was for me.

How would you say your relationship with your phone is today?

  “It fluctuates, but for the most part, it's so much better than it was. I think the things that have changed the most is I've really clarified how I want to use it. So my biggest advice to students is to recognize with social media in particular, you pay for it with your time, and just figure out what it means to get a good deal. You've got to understand what value you're trying to get out of it and how much of your time that's worth. And having that intention is the first step, but alone it's not enough. I've tried out a lot of different things to make it so that you don't have to rely on willpower to remain intentional. Willpower is hard. It's not enough, especially with how addictive the apps are. So there are tools at your disposal for making your phone less addicting and distracting, and that really is the game changer. But it will only take you so far because at the end of the day, turning to your phone, that's just a manifestation of a deeper issue, and it's being generally distractible and not having the coping skills and the resilience to face challenges head-on when they come up in your life. And so really the steps that I think you need to take are rethink how you're using your phone, redesign your digital environment to make it less distracting, and then retrain your habits to become the kind of person that is more focused, that is more present, that has better coping skills by doing things on a daily basis that build those qualities, like meditating and reading and focusing on schoolwork with a device in the other room, not distracting you while you're on it. But with all that being said, there's so much you can do, but it's never going to be like you snap your fingers and it's fixed. I still go through periods where I'm distracted, and progress is not easy, it's also not linear. You're going to go up and down. You just want to make sure that trend line is going towards the right place.”

What do you think is the root of this problem?

“I think the root of it is that the brain hasn't changed in 70,000 years and we're not designed to live in the environment that we live in. We're wired to be hunter-gatherers, basically. In that environment, it makes sense for your brain to reward you for things that are instantly gratifying, like getting food, shelter, warmth, and all of these things that we now have in abundance.

The modern world is really about prioritizing delayed gratification. That's not natural for us. It's also not natural for us to have this overabundance of the things that we're biologically designed to crave. I think it's a deeper issue than just the phone. It's the environment that we live in and the fact that we're not designed for it. The phone just happens to be the shortest path to satisfying our biological cravings that we've ever had available. It makes it increasingly difficult to delay gratification by doing the difficult things like studying, putting the phone away, and going to sleep every night and getting eight hours. I think it's a larger issue in that sense. It's really important to recognize, though, that if you're struggling with this, it's not your fault. Most people blame themselves for it. They feel like this is a result of their personal shortcomings. 

While there are things that you can work on, you have to recognize that it's not an accident that everyone is struggling with this so much. It's largely the result of a bad business model and the fact that social media makes more money the more time that you spend on it. I think it's really counterproductive to be overly hard on yourself about this and blame yourself too much. 

One thing I always try to do when I work with schools is lay the groundwork for a social environment that is constructive as opposed to destructive when it comes to your tech use. In most cases, there's peer pressure to spend more time on these apps. Nobody's really talking about the fact that they hate their relationship with them in a lot of cases. I really think that flipping the switch and being transparent and open about when we're unhappy with how we're using tech, sharing our intentions with each other, holding each other accountable, and making sure that we're not enabling the social media apps by having our group chats on Snapchat or Instagram. That's an entry point to distraction. You should move that to iMessage, WhatsApp, or GroupMe or any other app that's literally only for communicating.”

Both Dino Ambrosi’s interview and speech emphasized the importance of developing self-awareness and one’s environment. Only by admitting the problem will we be able to fix it, and the best way to do so is through changing the environment that shapes our habits. 

Mr. Ambrosi’s speech has been a great success for the start of this year’s Gray Colloquium speaker series, and we look forward to more in the rest of the year!

Trustees Returning

Andrea Xu ‘25

The St. Mark’s Board of Trustees conducted its annual visit from October 26th to 28th, overseeing crucial aspects of the school’s operation. The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring that all parts of the school function well. The Board makes big decisions that contribute to the school’s development in the long run. One example is the construction of the newest Patterson-Sculley dorm with the support and grateful donations that amounted to over $40 million from the St. Mark’s community. This decision marks an important shift in student life. The Board of Trustees also supervised the installment of our new Head of School Dr. Hills. Overall, the trustees are in charge of continuing the school’s excellence.

A central event during the visit is the trustee meeting, which provides administrators an opportunity to present progress reports in various areas. This meeting is instrumental in giving trustees an in-depth understanding of the school's current status in operation. During this session, Mr. Warren updated the Trustees on the substantial progress made in Saturday classes and the Lion Terms. Both programs belong to St. Mark’s experiential learning, which the trustees initiated five years ago. Ms. Nicks, the director of Experiential Learning, gave several presentations on experiential learning programs. In her presentation, she covered the philosophy and pedagogy of Experiential Learning, particularly the current Saturdays and past Lion Term courses. “I was accompanied by the following individuals who spoke about their personal and professional experiences through Lion Term, sharing photos, videos, and anecdotes,” Ms. Nicks commented. Along with Ms. Nicks, teachers who led those programs spoke about the purpose of each Form’s Lion Term (More information about the presentations can be found here). The trustees highly complimented the progress made in the two experiential learning programs: “Many were encouraged by the changes to the structure and purpose of the Saturday Program. Others are impressed by the incredible educational opportunities that students have through Lion Term, saying that they wished to become students again in order to participate.”

Ms. Agosto, the Dean of Student Life and the co-chair of the School Committee, shared the following: student’s classroom experiences, wellness projects, changes in dress code and attendance, and the goals in the Community and Equity (C&E) Strategic Plans. Specifically, she highlighted how the school strived to support all students, the fourth goal of the C&E Plan. Action Steps include working on translations for families whose native language is not English, the Thrive survey, and the Biased-based & Sexual Misconduct Incident Report Form.

Mr. Cochran, the director of St. Mark’s Communications, also participated in the Trustee meetings and joined student leaders who had lunch with the trustees on October 27th. He believed it provided the trustees with a "peek under the hood" of the School from the students’ perspectives. Additionally, he noted the trustees' positive reception of the ropes course on West Campus, praising its thoughtful design and potential uses within the St. Mark's community and beyond.

The recent Board of Trustees visit reinforced a shared commitment to St. Mark's success. Trustees actively engaged in school activities, demonstrating their dedication. This visit celebrated progress and emphasized a mutual commitment to the school's thriving future.

No Phone Day

Jimmy Liu ‘24

The digital world is filled with attractions. When we scroll through Instagram posts, watch YouTube videos, or play video games, we fail to realize that we sacrifice our precious time in the real world. On Wednesday, October 25, St. Mark’s offered us an opportunity to leave our digital “best friends” behind and enjoy a day with our real-life buddies. No Cell Phone Wednesday is a voluntary all-school activity in which students are encouraged to drop off their phones at Ms. Agosto’s office for the day. While participation is voluntary, students are motivated by a yummy food-related prize for the form that has the most participation. 

Overall, St. Mark’s very first No Cell Phone Wednesday received great feedback from students of all forms. “I actually loved the idea. I think doing it on Wednesday is the most appropriate day since it's a half-day only,” commented Calvin Beard ‘24. While staying off our phones could be a difficult task, having the first no-phone day on a Wednesday with a shortened schedule reduces the time to refrain from phone use. Furthermore, Thanos Nicolopoulos ‘24 also points out that “No Phone Day definitely helped me get off my phone, and I think that it definitely wasn’t the worst thing ever.” Students like Calvin and Thanos found themselves able to focus more in classes and without the presence of a familiar, easily accessible device in their pockets. 

However, despite the apparent benefits of the No Phone Day, there are a few significant drawbacks. A student says “It can be a little difficult with communication like if someone needs something from you immediately they would usually just call you on their phone.” 

Phones can be our greatest distraction and our most helpful assistant, depending on how we choose to use them. While the detrimental effects of being on our phones 24/7 exist, phones allow us to always be in touch with our friends and family and prepared in case of emergencies. In addition, Thanos points out, “Maybe you could offer it every day instead of just Wednesday.” Offering No Phone Day more often and on different weekdays would be a great improvement since students may need their phones to prepare for special events and extracurricular activities on some days while they could feel free to explore a new lifestyle without the distraction of their phones on others.

Finally, while offering incentives for the participants could help improve participation in No Phone Day, it should only be up to a student whether to staying away from digital devices will be beneficial and influential for them in the long-term. Participating in such an activity focused on self-restraint would be useless if one’s goal is to compete with others for a reward. 

The first No Phone Day proved to be a decent success. Should we expect similar activities from St. Mark's promoting a healthier lifestyle in the near future?

St. Mark’s Girls Volleyball Hits the Court

By Annabel Zaterka’27

Bump-set-spike! Volleyball has arrived at St. Mark’s! After many years of waiting, St. Mark’s is excited to add a volleyball team to the athletic program this year. For several years, St. Mark’s was the only school in the ISL without a volleyball team. After weeks of training, varsity volleyball is optimistic about its very first season and promising future. 

In the past five years, the St. Mark’s Admissions Office logged over 400 applicants who showed interest in volleyball. It was clear that having a team would not only generate more interest in the school; it would also offer students more athletic options in the fall. While the new team is officially part of the ISL, they are not playing a full league schedule until the 2024 season. Coached by Lauren Kelly and Lina Long, the 16 players are focused on building a strong volleyball foundation this year and a program that can compete against other ISL varsity teams. This season, they will match up against a mixture of ISL and non-ISL teams to experience various skill levels. Next year, the team will play a full ISL schedule, and Athletic Director Lauren Ames is hoping to add a JV team “because interest is high.”

Although the program has had a slow start due to unforeseen issues with the court installation, the team is ready to compete in their first match on October 4th! Ms. Ames is grateful for everyone who contributed to the team’s inaugural season. “Huge kudos to Coach Kelly for her wisdom, knowledge, experience, and patience in getting the program going!” She also points to instrumental support from Mr. Warren, Mr. Kuklewicz, and other members of the St. Mark’s faculty and staff. The team hopes to see the stands packed for their first home match in the MFAC on Saturday, October 14, and again on November 11 for a rousing game against Groton. Go, St. Mark’s!

Convocation: The Official Start

By Hannah Cha & Vanessa Leung’25

It is a St. Mark’s tradition to begin the academic year with Convocation, where the whole school body gathers for the first time. Convocation welcomes new students and faculty, celebrates achievements, and sets the tone for the year.

This year’s Convocation took place on September 8, from the Class of ‘45 Hall in Putnam Family Arts Center. First, Crystal Hui ‘24 welcomed all St. Markers with her splendid piano performance, and St. Mark’s Head of School John C. Warren ’74 officially commenced Convocation with his inaugural speech.

As a reflection of the year, Mr. Warren delivered a speech about “Maintaining Hope About the Future of Our Planet.” Mr. Warren discussed the conservation steps he has taken to preserve the ecosystems around the cabin his family owns. By stating his actions toward sustainability, Mr. Warren shared his belief in remaining optimistic about our planet. He says that “the habits we develop and practice every day make a positive difference to the world we inhabit now and the world that we will inhabit in the future.”

After the speech, the school recognized several faculty members for reaching their teaching milestones at St. Mark’s. The whole St. Mark’s community celebrated faculty members in their fifth, 10th, 15th, and 20th years of service. Certificates were also given to the three faculty members, Caitlin Kosow, Rob Kuklewicz, and E.J. Valitutto, to celebrate their installation as honorary alumni of the school.

Recognitions to faculties each in their 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th in St. Mark’s

The school also prized the rising VI formers who performed outstanding qualities as a St. Marker. This day, the Walter Clair ‘73 Prize, Alice Hung ‘86 Prize, the Peter Saccio ‘58 Prize, the Dorothy Anderson Prize, the Peter M. Schuh ‘92 Award, and the Sheridan Prize were each presented to a student who most well demonstrated the qualities of the prizes. Commemorating the achievements of the past alumni of St. Mark’s while also celebrating the future of new students of the school, the Convocation is a meaningful yearly tradition.     

As the first formal event of the school year came to an end, this signifies the official start to the 2023-2024 school year, welcoming inspired students to start the year strong.

College Visiting

Jasmine Liu ‘25

Photo from the St. Mark’s School website: College Counseling.

The start of September marked the beginning of the new school year with new student orientation week, convocation, Fall sports, and the start of classes. However, for current Vth and VIth Form students, this month also signaled the beginning of that infamously daunting task: the college application process.

Ever since its founding in 1865, St. Mark’s School has been focused on preparing students of grades 9-12 for the leap into college life. The Episcopal boarding school carries out this mission through numerous programs such as the Advanced course curriculum, college counseling (for Vth and VIth Form students), mandatory afternoon sports/extracurriculars, and most recently, college visits.

Thanks to the St. Mark’s college counseling department, admission officers from numerous colleges and universities from around the US will be visiting the school throughout this fall. College visits allow Vth and VIth formers the opportunity to discover and learn about various colleges and universities through the lens of an admissions officer. These information sessions give St. Markers the opportunity to hear about the college, ask questions, and get to know someone from the admissions office before applying.

Since September 14th, colleges have begun visiting St. Mark’s campus. These visits typically happen in the evenings before study hall, although a college would sometimes pop in during a community block. Although the counseling office did send out an organized list of the times and meeting places for the different information sessions, the office will still keep students updated each week on the upcoming college visits. Typically, these information sessions occur in the Forbes Presentation Room, Admissions Conference Room, and College Office, but always check the list to stay updated on each location. 

If you are a Vth or VIth Form student and have not gone to any of the college visits yet, then do not worry. There are many more colleges to come, including institutions like Oberlin College (10/2/23), Washington University in St. Louis (10/2/23), Colby College (10/3/23), Boston College (10/5/23), University of Chicago (10/10/23), and Emory University (10/10/23). However, even if you do not recognize a college’s name, the counseling office thoughtfully included a list of similar colleges for each institution to help students gain a better preview of the visiting college. The whole point of these meetings is to encourage students to learn about different colleges and consider where their interests lie.

In general, St. Mark’s upper formers are rather satisfied with the college visits and information sessions. “I think it’s a great way for us to learn about the different colleges to gain a better sense of where to apply,” One VIth Form student remarked. Yet, another Vth Form student mentioned that she wished she “knew about this opportunity as an IVth Form student as well.” However, overall, college visits are a great opportunity for students to discover more colleges, build up their potential application list, and better prepare for the years ahead.

Inter-Dorm/House Visitation

by vanessa Leung ‘25 and Hannah Cha 25’

As Ms. Caron announced at Wednesday's school meeting, inter-dorm/house sleepovers for the 2023-2024 school year will start this Saturday!

Inter-dorm sleepovers are open to both boarding and day students. Students can sleep in their friend’s dormitory or a day student’s home on non-community weekend Saturdays. These sleepovers are a fun way for boarding students to experience the different places home to various St. Markers. It also allows day and boarding students to experience what the opposite side feels like! Students can freely enjoy a weekend night of hanging out with their friends.

According to school policies, the sleepover Orah pass -with a neon pink badge - must be filled in by Thursday noon by the visiting student. A maximum of one guest is allowed per house, and space availability is first come, first served. Late submissions or passes with wrong information will not be accepted, so be sure to carefully fill out the pass once you decide to have or host a sleepover. Once the pass is approved, students are free to go to the host day student’s home. For sleepovers in school, house faculty will get a list of student guests and check them in for the night. 

So get your sleeping bags reading and let the inter-house sleepovers begin!