Saying YESS to Community


This past weekend I traveled to the Yess Conference with Emily Ling ‘26, Mimi Burnett ‘25, Wendy Wu ‘23, and our chaperones Ms. Doggett and Ms. Lohwater to engage in some provocative dialogue surrounding the controversial topic of climate change. We arrived at the Ashokan Center located in the woods of Ulster Park, New York. Getting out our sleeping bags from the trunk, the six of us were ready for the three-day conference. Our day started with an orientation and then hearing from climate activists around the world. On the second day, we began to split into breakout groups. For me, the most exciting presenter I went to talked about Tupperware. When you think about it, when we microwave our food in plastic containers or eat hot food with plastic utensils, the plastic normally seeps into our food which we then eat. Because plastic does not decompose in our bodies, the plastic we accidentally ingested will remain in our system forever. The long-term scientific effects of plastic in our bodies are unknown, but aside from that, I began to think. The coming day, my group mates and I were supposed to propose a climate action plan that we had come up with for our school. The six of us sat around the wooden dining hall table thinking. We were already a plastic water-bottle-free campus, we used reusable dining ware, was there something else we were missing? That’s when Ms. Lohwater spoke up and stated that at the last S4S meeting, six students showed up to the club block despite the roaster of students in S4S being over 100. 

Together we realized that one of the bigger problems is not regarding the sustainability of St. Mark’s but rather, community engagement. We decided that some possible ways to garner greater student engagement could include printing the newspapers to have spares in the dining hall, changing the TV boards in hallways to showcase important events, and creating posters to get students and faculty involved. Going to this conference prompted us to realize that yes, sustainability is important, but to be sustainable, we first need to involve a greater selection of people. The Yess Conference participants hope to speak to the faculty and Board of Trustees about the topic in March and early April.

Conspiracies and Consequences

by Gina Yang ‘24

Dr. Susan Reverby, a historian and professor at Wellesley College, was a guest speaker for the 3rd annual Gray Colloquium, which was held on January 12. Dr. Reverby offered a unique opportunity for the St. Mark’s community to examine the complex historical narratives of various conspiracy theories and their repercussions on society. Dr. Reverby’s research into the unethical medical experiments conducted by the U.S. government brought new insights to this year’s Gray Colloquium whose theme for 2022-2023 is “Conspiracies and Consequences.” Dr. Reverby reminded students of the crucial role that history plays in shaping our understanding of the world and the importance of critically engaging with the information presented to us. 

Dr. Reverby began her lecture by examining one of the most infamous medical conspiracies in American history: The Tuskegee Syphilis Study. The study was conducted to observe the natural progression of untreated syphilis in African American men over the course of 40 years and involved denying subjects of the study access to available treatments, including penicillin. The study was not only unethical but also failed to yield any significant scientific findings while causing immeasurable harm to the study participants and their families. Dr. Reverby contextualized the study within the broader history of systemic racism and the ways in which medical professionals have exploited vulnerable populations for their own gain. 

Dr. Reverby’s research explored the complex societal factors that allowed the Tuskegee Syphilis Study to occur. Her work highlights the role of eugenics, a widely accepted pseudo-scientific theory at the time, in shaping public health policy and promoting racist attitudes towards African Americans. She also argues that the study was not an isolated incident but part of a broader pattern of marginalized groups being exploited for medical experimentation, which still goes on to this day. 

Throughout her research, Dr. Reverby also highlights the efforts made by the study participants and their families to seek justice and expose the unethical nature of the study. She argues that the legacy of the study extends beyond its immediate consequences and continues to impact African American communities by diminishing their trust in the medical establishment. 

Dr. Reverby’s research of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study offers a powerful example of the consequences of medical conspiracies and the need for the historical reexamination of such events. In her book, “Tuskegee’s Truth: Rethinking the Tuskegee Syphilis Study,” Dr. Reverby challenges the widely accepted narrative surrounding the study and sheds light on the ways in which it was not just a product of individual moral failings but also a reflection of the broader societal attitudes towards race and public health. 

Dr. Reverby then moved on to discuss her research into the “Guatemala Syphilis Study,” a similarly unethical medical experiment in which U.S. researchers infected Guatemalan prisoners, soldiers, and mental patients with syphilis without their knowledge or consent. Dr. Reverby’s discovery of the study’s existence in 2010 sparked international outrage and led to a formal apology from the U.S. government. 

Throughout her presentation, Dr. Reverby emphasized the importance of acknowledging the harm caused by these conspiracies and working to rectify the damage done. She emphasized that conspiracy theories are often used as a means of deflecting responsibility and obfuscating the truth. She stresses that it is crucial to approach historical events with a critical eye and a commitment to truth-seeking. 

The presentation was followed by a Q&A session, during which the audience had the opportunity to engage with Dr. Reverby. The audience was able to ask questions about her research and her perspectives on the broader implications of these historical events. The session highlighted the ways in which conspiracy theories can be both harmful and empowering, underscoring the importance of critically evaluating the information presented to us in the media. 

The Gray Colloquium on Dr. Susan Reverby was a thought-provoking and informative event that challenged the St. Mark’s community to consider the complex historical narratives behind conspiracy theories and the impact they have on society. Dr. Reverby’s work is a powerful reminder of the consequences of turning a blind eye to unethical behavior and the necessity of reckoning with the past to create a more just and equitable future. By shedding light on the historical roots of medical conspiracies and their lasting impact, Dr. Reverby urges us to confront uncomfortable truths and take action to prevent similar abuses of power from occurring in the future. 

This year’s Gray Colloquium was successful thanks to the efforts of the hard-working staff and Ms. Sarah McCann, who worked as a Gray Colloquium Coordinator. The next presentation in the Gray Colloquium will take place on Thursday, February 23rd, in the Putnam Family Arts Center’s Class of 1945 hall. The visiting speaker will be Sarah Eagle Heart, a social justice storyteller, entrepreneur, and philanthropic leader. 

You can read more about the upcoming Gray Colloquium speakers here:

St. Mark’s gets in the Holiday Season

By Jonathan Hernandez

As the calendar year ends, St. Mark’s has begun to celebrate the Holiday season with various traditions and activities. With songs, performances, and weekend activities, spirits are lifted all throughout the campus. 

On Friday, December 2nd, St. Mark’s held its annual Holiday Song Fest. Students choreographed various dances and presented Holiday songs such as Jingle Bell Rock, All I Want For Christmas is You, and Feliz Navidad. Students performed in festive holiday attire and astounded the audience with stylish dance skills. After the Song Fest, students and faculty proceeded to the Sixth-Form Quad. There, the community counted down together for the tree to be lit up. The tree was dazzling and lit up the quad beautifully. The lighting of the tree signaled the beginning of the Holiday Season at St. Mark’s. 

The following weekend, St. Mark’s held a variety of holiday-themed weekend activities. Students could experience a variety of activities such as watching classic holiday movies, constructing gingerbread houses, and decorating festive cookies. Some students even helped write holiday letters for hospitalized children. Even more, students played games such as Spin the Dreidel and Winter Bingo. There were plenty of activities to help get students in the holiday spirit. 

The spread of merriment is perfect for the upcoming St. Mark’s traditions. Students and Faculty will attend Lessons and Carols on December 6th and 8th. The annual celebration includes nine lessons from scripture and many Christmas hymns. There would be wonderful performances displayed by the St. Mark’s Choir and Orchestra. This is a wonderful opportunity for St. Markers and St. Mark’s Families to enjoy the holiday festivities together. 

Even more, on Friday, December 9th, students can decorate holiday ornaments at Choate house. The tradition is a great community-building activity and a festive way to celebrate the winter holidays.

Groton Night!

By Lori Cui ‘25

Groton Night set up in MFAC gym

St. Mark’s School and Groton School have one of the longest-standing athletic rivalries in the country, lasting for over 135 years. On the night of November 11th, 2022, both schools had pep rallies to heighten school spirits. The next day, both schools faced off in all fall sports: Field Hockey, Football, Soccer, and Cross Country. The rivalry between the schools emphasizes the participation of all students and teams, from Varsity to Thirds. 

Bonfire on Lawrence field

Groton night started off with Varsity team videos and respective team cheers. Following the high adrenaline and cheering, the monitors also released special videos following a storyline of stealing the coat from Groton. They also performed a dance and finally revealed the stolen coat! This year’s Groton Night also featured a St. Mark’s tradition, a bonfire at the end of Lawrence field. With safety precautions in mind, students exited from the MFAC door near the day student parking lot and ran over to Lawrence field. It was a rainy night, but everyone ran with enthusiasm to the awaiting fire. The seniors then carried out the paper mache zebra made earlier, as a symbol of Groton’s mascot animal. After the burning of the zebra, various seniors gave motivating speeches and cheers for the last final hype. Groton night will always be a memorable night for all students at St. Mark’s, regardless of form or team. 

Paper mache zebra in the dining hall

Holiday Songfest and Tree Lighting

By Karry Kim ‘25

On Friday evening, December 2nd, St. Mark’s hosted the annual Holiday Songfest and Tree Lighting celebration. Holiday Songfest is a significant tradition that adds to St. Mark’s school spirit. The whole school comes together and competes by dorm, singing and dancing to various Christmas songs. Each dorm’s performance is (strictly) judged by three judges selected from faculty, and the winning dorm is announced at the end of the celebration. The winning team is granted a dorm pizza party.

This year, Songfest was held in the Center. Sawyer started off this event with a festive carol and choreography, and the Center was soon filled with laughter and voices of the audience singing along. Other dorms followed along with their carols and choreographies, which they have come together to practice for the past week. The event ended with the performance of Gaccon. After a quick moment of discussion for the winners, this year’s winners were announced: Thayer and Scully 2, breaking the long held legacy of Pine Oak’s wins. Congratulations to Thayer and Scully 2! 

After the Holiday Songfest, the Tree Lighting Celebration was held in the 6th form quad. After the lighting of the Christmas tree, all St. Markers enjoyed taking pictures with friends in front of the tree while enjoying hot chocolate and cookies that were served in the small dining hall. The tree was clearly a great photo spot, as everyone’s Instagram posts the next day were filled with pictures taken with friends in front of its bright, colorful lights. 

The Holiday Songfest and Tree Lighting Celebration was a perfect way to bring a holiday spirit to St. Mark’s.

Lessons and Carols

By Jasmine Liu ‘25

While the upcoming week may just seem like the long, work-filled week before the notorious assessment week, it is also the week when the biggest Chapel service of the St. Mark’s school year will take place: Lessons and Carols.

Every year before winter break, St. Mark’s celebrates Lessons and Carols during Evening Chapel which includes choral singing, orchestral performances, and lessons of scripture from christian tradition. This is a popular celebration among Episcopal (religious) schools – a tradition that began in England in the 19th century when carols were not traditionally sung in church. Typically, St. Mark’s has traditionally held two services, with one open to the public. However, this year, due to the desire to hold the service in Belmont Chapel instead of the Class of ‘45 Hall like last year, Lessons and Carols will take place over two days of the academic week: on Tuesday, December 6th and on Thursday, December 8th. Unfortunately, the chapel will be too small to fit the school as well as the school orchestra and choir, the groups who will be performing and in the front of the chapel during the event. Students will be split into the two Chapel services based on their after school sport/activity. 

On each evening of the Lessons and Carols, students will first be having a buffet dinner at 5:30 p.m. right before the service. Students will be seated by sports teams or activities. For those who are not attending the service that day, they will be having their buffet dinner at 6:15 pm while Lessons and Carols is happening. During the Evening Chapel, the school, alongside the choir, will be singing hymns and carols such as Personent Hodie, Silent Night, and Little O’ Town of Bethlehem, with the orchestra playing in the background. Additionally, there will be nine lessons of scriptures, one presented after each hymn. The service is predicted to last for around one hour from 6:15 to 7:15 pm. After the service, VIth Formers will have coffee and dessert in the faculty room while orchestra and choir have their dinner in Taft.

With the Lessons and Carols being held in Belmont Chapel, there are many circulating opinions among the student body. While some St. Mark’s veterans who went to Lessons & Carols last year enjoy the service and view it as their favorite Chapel event at St. Mark’s, others think of it as nothing special. “Not gonna lie, last year’s L&C was sort of dull. Dinner wasn’t that special either,” one IVth former commented. “However, I think it’ll be better this year since it’s gonna be at Belmont Chapel (and the orchestra gets catered dinner from Chipotle).” Yet, another student remarked that they “enjoy singing the hymns during L&C”. New students who’ve never experienced such an event before also have a variety of opinions. “I don’t exactly know what to expect, but I hope the food will be good,” one St. Marker remarked. Another stated “as long as the chapel’s warm, then I’ll be fine.” Some are also eager to experience the new, Christmas-y chapel service.

Nevertheless, Lessons and Carols is a memorable part of St. Mark’s school year for many since it differs from the typical sleepy chapel in the morning. Hopefully this year’s Lessons and Carols will incite the holiday spirit, relax us before the assessment week ahead, and be remembered as a wonderful part of a St. Mark’s students’ experience.

Wintertime/Snow Activities

By Grace Lee

The first snow of the wintertime was on November 15th, towards the end of study hall. All of the west campus residents ran out in pajamas, blasting their Christmas music and having a snowball fight. This run-out in the snow with friends instantly brightened my mood on the bad day. When the snow had melted overnight, the first snow of the year remained as a wonderful memory of a fleeting hour of our lives. While we wait for the next snow, we have time to plan activities to do in the next snow!

Snow brings people together. The winter experience at St. Mark’s is not complete without winter traditions and fun activities, so this article may be able to recommend some fun snow/wintertime activities that our school has to offer! 

Popular activities (from surveys and other St. Markers):

  1. Sledding

    a. In the past, some great sledding locations have been on the west campus. There is the hill from the top of the stairs towards the Ritz downwards to the parking lot, the hill down from Marr-Coolidge, and also the location dubbed “killer hill” (if you don’t know where that is, follow the cross country trail until you see an extremely steep slope. You’ll know it when you see it). Note: though killer hill is one of the most popular sledding locations, you should be wary of the steep climb back up. Also, the sledding itself is really dangerous on killer hill because of the bumpy condition, so beware!

  2. Snowball fights

    a. Every location is a place to hold a snowball fight! However, it’s important to regard the area with respect and not to attack any unwilling passerbys. You wouldn’t want to get SDC’d over a snowball fight, would you? 

  3. Engaging in the weekend activities

    a. If you follow the St. Mark’s Instagram page, @smlions, you may see the yearly posts of gingerbread houses and decorated cookies. If you’re a student who likes to stay on campus during the weekends, it may be worth a shot to engage in some activities that feature tasty treats!

  4. Making snowmen/snow-whatevers

    a. There’s nothing like building something out of snow! Some of my friends bought a snow mold that can shape snow into ducks and made a whole bunch of those snow ducks. Getting creative and making something with the snow is a classic wintertime activity, so go and try it out while the snow is fresh (or, when the snow is at least a day old, because fresh snow is hard to shape. Don’t wait too long, though, or it’ll melt).

  5. Going to Mauros (preferably while it’s snowing)

    a. Last year, I enjoyed walking to Mauro’s Diner with my friends in downtown Southborough while it was snowing. A warm plate of pancakes tastes better when you share it with friends on a cold day!

  6. Enjoying yourself in whatever way you like!

    a. If you prefer snowy days to watch movies from the comfort of your own room with a mug of hot chocolate, or if you enjoy diving into piles of snow headfirst, there is absolutely nobody stopping you as long as you aren’t hurting yourself or others! Snow doesn’t come as often as you might think, so grab the opportunity to enjoy winter in whatever way you like.

Whether it’s your first or last wintertime at St. Mark’s, make sure to go out and enjoy it to the fullest!

Second Wellness Day

By Andrea Xu ’25

In the middle of an exceptionally warm Saturday morning, St. Mark’s hosted its second annual Wellness Day on December 3rd, 2022. After school meeting ended, students had the choice of attending either “Minding Your Mind,” during which the speaker shared her experience overcoming mental health struggles, or Rita Kapur’s presentation on how yoga and meditation led to her journey to Mount Everest Base Camp. After the key note speakers event, students took a 20 minute break to get to their next breakout session. The Wellness Fair held at the Taft Hall. There were assorted student led activities, including Finance Literacy kahoot, Meditative Drawing, Shred 4 Sustainability, Gratitude, cookies and hot chocolate, and World Cup live streaming. Following the fair there were a myriad of breakout sessions led by St. Mark’s faculty, ranging from Mr. Davey’s conversation on Men’s Health to Ms. Ames’ workshop on Women Leadership and Sports. 

Wellness Day is a safe environment to engage students in wellness conversations and discussions to learn more about skills that can help with their mental health in the future. At St. Mark’s, we live in a competitive environment where we are expected to stay on top of our academics, extracurriculars, and social life at all times. The Wellness Day is an opportunity to prioritize our social, emotional, and physical well-being and take time to care about ourselves. Mr. Corazzini, the Wellness Director at St. Mark’s, shares his thoughts in hosting the Wellness Day: “My role as the wellness director gives me the ability to teach every student in their time at St. Mark's. I thoroughly enjoy the individual interactions that I get to have with each student. The students are the ones that make St. Mark's so special. Also, I still struggle with stress and anxiety, but now I have the tools, language, and skill set to look after myself. I hope that I can pass that on to our students.” Along with Mr. Corazzini, the student wellness committee and Ms. Martin also partook in choosing the wellness theme. The student wellness committee wanted to touch on topics such as a sense of belonging, trying to be perfect, and living in the present. 

Indeed, with the assessment week coming up in a week, the lions need a Wellness Day to revitalize themselves in order to be prepared for the busy December. Luckily, Christmas is on the horizon!

Lives of Consequence Campaign Closing Ceremony

By Jackie Huang ‘24

October 1st, 2022 officially marked the end of Lives of Consequence: The Campaign for St. Mark’s School. A grand closing ceremony was held on Belmont field. This fundraising initiative took place over the course of around ten years and has helped complete several significant capital projects and contributed greatly to the enrichment of academic and community life.

According to the school website, the  “Lives of Consequence is a comprehensive $110 million fundraising initiative that will empower St. Mark’s School to deliver an education focused on the intellectual, character, and leadership development of our students—enabling them to grow into citizens who not only do well but who also assume a lifelong commitment to doing good.” 

The projects that the campaign has helped created include The Burgess Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, The STEM Center, Space for Burnett House, Athletic facility renovations (Sargent Family Field, Elkins Field House, Armor Cage, the T. Jefferson Coolidge Jr. ’50 Athletic Performance and Wellness Center, the Wiedergott Fitness Room, and the hockey shooting room) and the development of Global Citizenship Program. Current and ongoing projects include the Residential Life Initiative (construction of the new dorm to transform the living and learning experience) and continued support for the Faculty Excellence Fund and investment in Financial Aid.

On the day of the closing ceremony, under a heated, colorful, and thoroughly decorated tent, the many alumni, trustees, parents, teachers, and other attendees were full of excitement. Apart from the speeches and accounts given by Mr.Warren, Rev. Solter, Ms.Finn, Ms.Bates, Mr. Burgess, and others, the ceremony also featured student-built robots and performances. The Choir and some Acapella group members entered the stage for a countdown to the reveal of the new Patterson-Sculley house which soon turned into a singing performance of “Welcome to My House” and a light show played on the new building. The evening reached its climax when the Monitors and Pathways prefects revealed the final fundraising total of $112,042,614, as confetti filled the air. Afterwards, attendees enjoyed great conversations and delicious food. There were many memorable photos taken at the photo booth and great moves were seen on the dance floor!

Though the campaign has come to an end, its impact continues to highlight the bright future ahead for St.Marks School!