Prioritizing Sleep to Thrive
Exploring AI Use at St. Mark's: Student Perspectives and Experiences
Maintaining Gut Health: Prebiotics and Probiotics
Fabulous Fall Play
Interviewing Robert Anthony
The 2024 Election: Student Opinions at St. Mark’s School
Student Wellness in Seated Meal
Candle Lighting and Eucharist Services
Letter from the editors:
Dear readers,
The St. Marker staff wishes you a Happy New Year! In this season’s Winter Issue, you can find a mix of articles that reflect on the past year and look forward to new changes in the upcoming year.
As we completed our first semester of the academic year, various events took place in the school community. This Winter Issue features a handful of school events that took place last year, from the Fall play to a crafted introduction to our candle lighting and Eucharist services. A significant portion of this issue is the opinion articles; capturing student opinions on current topics or school events that initiated debates and conversations, such as prioritizing sleep as a school community, ways to maintain gut health, student opinions about the 2024 election, and AI use at St. Mark’s. Our staff writers have all done an amazing job expressing these ideas, so please enjoy! Don’t forget also to check out the interview with previous Gray Colloquium speaker Robert Anthony and a vlog on Coffeehouse.
Once again, Happy 2025! We all dearly hope that this new year will be filled with new adventures, accomplishments, and learnings.
The St. Marker Editorial Team